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Trends and Best Practices for Improving Knowledge Transfer Across the Globe
A Method for Effectively Assessing Knowledge in Organizations
Don’t Be Left Behind: Improving Knowledge Transfer
Knowledge Management
Understanding the Knowledge Environment
Best Practices for Eliciting and Transferring Expertise Through Communities of Practice
Everything You Need to Know about Knowledge Management in Practice in 140 Characters or Less (#SUCCESSFUL CORPORATE LEARNING tweet Book05)
Expertise Development
Transferring Specialized Knowledge: Accelerating the Expertise Development Cycle
Positively Gaming the System: A VBS2™ Training Case Study
Cognitive Transformation Theory: Contrasting Cognitive and Behavioral Learning
Discovering the Invisible: Using Tacit Knowledge to Develop Agile and Adaptive Leaders
Advanced Blended Learning
The Role of Social Networking in Advanced Blended Learning
Advanced Blended Learning: Creating a Learning Organization
Strategies for Designing 21st Century Military Education
High Performing Teams
The EUCOM Teams of Leaders Coaching Guide
Teams of Leaders: Raising the Level of Collaborative Leader-Team Performance
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