Update Your Nonprofit’s Operating Plan
An effective alliance appraisal process results in the partners’ mutual agreement to maintain, expand, narrow, or abandon the relationship. Even when an alliance has been successful, occasionally one of the partners decides it is no longer in its strategic interest to continue, and the partners work together to develop a mutually satisfactory end. Therefore, regardless of an alliance appraisal’soutcome, the nonprofit needs to update its operating plan.
Following the appraisal process with your alliance partner, summarize this work and the implications for your nonprofit’s operating plan. For example, the revised alliance plan may involve new costs, different allocations of leadership and management time, or investments of other resources. Following the appraisal process, summarize the work and implications for your nonprofit’s operating plan by responding to the following.
Following the appraisal process, summarize the work and implications for your nonprofit’soperating plan by responding to the following.