Formatting: Our papers are formatted according to either MLA or APA writing standards and are double spaced using 12 Courier New Font, with either 1" or 1.25”margins unless otherwise specifically requested by the client PRIOR to placing an order.
Revision Policy: We stand behind the work that we do and revisions are done on a case by case basis. When you order a custom written assignment we guarantee that your report will be written to your specifications and that the instructions that you send us are followed. If for some reason we do not follow your instructions we will revise your report free of charge. Otherwise revisions are done on a case by case basis and can include a fee for additional services, as many revisions are subjective and opinion oriented.
Changes Once an Order is Placed: We quote you a price based on the number of pages, deadline and instructions that you send us BEFORE you place an order. Once you place an order we normally get started on your project right away and we always go by the instructions that you sent us BEFORE you place your order. This is for your benefit so that we meet your deadline. So once the order is placed you cannot change or alter anything unless you are willing to pay an additional fee.
Refund Policy: Once an order is placed, there are no refunds, cancellations or changes. In order to meet ~ and sometimes exceed ~ deadlines of all our valued customers, orders are immediately processed through our system, and the appropriate Specialist then begins the research on your assignment. Our Specialists work very hard on your research projects day and night to earn their compensation. Although the best possible effort is always made to assist our valued customers, the work that we do is highly subjective ~ just the opinion of a researcher ~ and opinions do vary extensively. Be assured though, our Specialists are highly trained to meet the high standards of our valued clients.