1) SELECT the "Graphic Artwork Option" applicable to you ("NEW Order" or are you "RE-ORDERING")
2) ORDER the amount of "POST CARDS" you will be needing (Select from the "DROP-DOWN BOX")
3) CHOOSE Your "MAIL-LISTING SIZE". Typically the QTY of "Addresses" + "Postage" you order should match the QTY of Post Cards you are ordering. UNLESS you are substituting/Providing a mailing list extracted from your personal Data-Base.
- "MAIL ADDRESS LISTING": We purchase the Mail-Listing" from a professional vendor who has assured that the list is fresh, accurate and verified it is up to date.
- "POSTAGE": The Postage costs $0.30c as compared to $0.49c. This is "Laser Injet Printed" to the Card along with appropriate Bar Codes.
- "MAIL PROCESS SERVICES": Includes importing and formating addresses from e-mail or XLS Data Base. Laser Ink Jetting the addresses to Post Card and dropping Post Cards of at USPS for delivery to clients.