Annual Income: Enter the total yearly income that you need to make in order to live comfortably while paying all expenses.
Example: 100000 leave out commas
Workdays Per Week: Enter the total number of days that you work during the week.
Example: 6 if you work Monday through Saturday.
Workhours Per Day: Enter the total number of hours that you spend working on paying projects throughout the day. This is also known as "billable hours".
Example: 4 if you spend 4 hours each workday on paying projects.
Sick and Vacation Days: Enter the total number of sick and vacation days that you need during the entire year.
Example: 10 be sure to include holidays and unexpected absences.
How Many Words Can You Write in One Hour?
Examples: 500 or a number that is easy for you to write, proof and edit within an hour.
Annual Billable Hours: This number is the total amount of hours spent on paying projects each year.
Hourly Rate: The rate that you need to charge per hour in order to achieve your desired annual income.
Per Word Rate: The price you should charge in cents for one written word in order to earn at the same amount as your hourly rate.
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