Before selecting the Upload File(s) button below, please note the following:
Accepted file formats are .pdf, .jpg or .jpeg, .tif or .tiff, .eps, .doc or .docx, .txt, & .rtf
Before uploading your file(s), please double check your ad size to ensure compliance with specifications (Note if your ad is part of a co-op ad, the sizes below may not be correct. Please double check with your representative if you are not certain).
Vertical Ad: W (Width) x H (Height)
Full No Bleed: 7.125 x 9.375
Full with Bleed 8.5 x 11.063 (See Ad Model template for details)
Spread: 17 x 11.063
Half Horizontal: 7.125 x 4.6875
Half Vertical: 3.46875 x 9.375 (call for availability)
1/3 Horizontal: 7.125 x 3.125 (call for availability)
1/3 Vertical: 2.25 x 9.375 (call for availability)
1/3 Island: 4.6875 x 4.6875
1/4 Vertical: 3.46875 x 4.6875
1/6 Vertical: 2.25 x 4.6875
1/8 Horizontal: 3.46875 x 2.25
Trim Size: 8.375 x 10.813
Insert: (file specifications must be provided by your representative)
Please name your file according to the following structure: AD_Organization_IssueDate_Size (ex. AD_CompanyName_Summer2022_QuarterVert.jpg)
If you wish to select multiple files for uploading after selecting the Upload File(s) button below, please note the following:
Mac & Windows: To select a consecutive group of files, click the first item, press and hold down the Shift key, and then click the last item.
Mac Only: To select non-consecutive files, press and hold down the Command key, and then click each item that you want to select.
Windows Only: To select non-consecutive files, press and hold down the Ctrl key, and then click each item that you want to select.