NOTE: If you need to navigate away from this page before completing the application, please be sure to save the exact URL above. Pasting it into your browser will bring you back to the application with all your progress saved.
Please keep in mind that we receive a high volume of applications, and can only accept eight participants per year. Here are some tips to make your application stand out:
- Find a niche or a hook. Pitch something that will turn heads, either because it's unique or because it offers a level of quality that isn't already available for similar products on the local market. It's never safe to assume that people will buy your food just because it's good. If your selling point is quality alone, you are taking on the daunting challenge of convincing the customer of that quality before they actually try it.
- Ask yourself (and demonstrate to us) whether you're ready to put this at the top of your priorities. Going through Instrucktional is a ton of work, and actually running your own food business once you graduate is even more. Your application should show a level of passion that will carry you through the rough patches.
- Dig deep for your answers. There's a reason we start with a written application; we want to give you all the time you need to be thoughtful and introspective. Show us that you can see beyond what's in front of you, look critically at your surroundings and at yourself. One-line answers don't usually achieve that.
- Follow directions to the letter. Many of the prompts in the application have additional instructions that you'll see when you hover over with your mouse.
- Spelling and grammar definitely matter! We understand that you don't need to be a gifted writer to succeed in this industry, but basic proofreading is respectful in any professional situation. We make a major investment in every entrepreneur we accept and hope to see the same from them; a first impression full of grammatical errors doesn't assure us that you're going to take this as seriously as we will. If it's not your strong suit, find someone you trust to look it over for you.