Each client has the option to provide signed model releases for each individual in your session. These model releases grant companies the right to use the images for commercial purposes through stock photography, ie. magazines, book covers, advertisements, commercials, web articles, billboards, etc.
Some examples of my images used as stock photography can be found in my Published gallery, or on my Pinterest.
I use the Getty Images Model Release Form, which may be viewed and downloaded here. If you are interested in signing model releases, just mark it on the form below, and I will have copies of the release ready for you to sign at your session.
Benefits of signing model releases include future discounts on sessions, many more of your session images edited in Photoshop, opportunities for FREE creative sessions for model calls, my stock portfolio royalties help keep the session investment costs down, and of course the fun of seeing you photos used out in the wild!
--My Stock Photography Portfolios--
Getty Images | iStock Photo | Shutterstock | Fotolia | Dreamstime | 123RF