Policies and Guidelines
All fees are non-refundable unless cancellation is made 48 hours in advance of scheduled event.
Single Event Reservations
- $250 (Singleton)
- $300 (Singleton and Atrium)
Consecutive Event/Day Reservations
- $300/day (Singleton)
- $350/day (Singleton and Atrium)
Event host is responsible for arranging and paying for room set-up/tear-down and other services related to FMS, IT/MediaTech, catering, security.
If you are using rental furniture for your event, it is your responsibility to monitor drop-off and pick-up of furniture by the vendor. Do not return the room key to the Dean's Office until you have confirmed that the rental furniture has been picked up by the vendor.
Event host must submit a work order to custodial services (via FMS: cleanit@andrew.cmu.edu) to ensure that the room is in a clean condition for the next user.
Media/laptop adapters are available at the Dean's Office. Please request it when picking up the key.
No tape, glue, staples or tacks should be used on any surface of the facility.
Events with attendance ≥100 require Campus Police to be present (at the event host’s expense).
If alcohol is served, it is the event host’s responsibility to designate a University-authorized Social Host who must be in attendance (refer to Social Host Policy on the University Policies website).
If you are reserving the Atrium for your event, please note the following:
- No alcohol is permitted in the Atrium unless pre-approval is granted on the Social Host Form by the Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean.
- If alcohol will be served in the Atrium, three security personnel must be hired and posted one each at the entrance from Hamerschlag and at the doors on either side of the Atrium. Signs must also be posted at the stairwell on the 3rd floor, at the entrance from Hamerschlag, and on both doors on either side of the Atrium. An advance email must also be sent out to all departments asking them to notify their faculty, staff, and students of the event and directing them use to alternate entrances to access Robert Hall.
- If alcohol is not being served in the Atrium, the Atrium cannot be closed; people will be at liberty to use the Atrium as a thoroughfare.
At the conclusion of the event, facility must be clean and furniture returned to the storage area in Roberts Hall. Please note: if the kitchen is used during your event, all food and beverage items must be removed from the kitchen and properly disposed. Do not leave any items in the refrigerator or freezer at the conclusion of your event.
Dean’s Office personnel will inspect the facility after each event. If damages to the room, equipment or furniture are discovered, it is the event host’s responsibility to cover the cost of repairs.
All electronic equipment must be turned off and properly stored.
If food/drink are served, you are REQUIRED to submit a work order for custodial services (via FMS; cleanit@andrew.cmu.edu) to have the room vacuumed and cleared of garbage at the conclusion of your event. If your event uses the kitchen it must be included in the FMS work order. The Dean’s Office reserves the right to also hold you accountable for carpet cleaning if inspection after your event indicates soiling of the carpet.