Certificate of Insurance Request
Part 1: Who is making this request?
First Name
Last Name
Mass Soccer ID
Mass Soccer Team
Mass Soccer League
Bay State Soccer League
Brockton Sunday League
Cape Cod Soccer League
Central Mass Coed Recreational Soccer League
Central Mass WOMEN's Soccer League
Central Mass Adult Soccer League
Central Mass Twilight
Chelsea Soccer League
Eastern MASS Women's Soccer League
Mass Adult Futsal
Mass Soccer Game/Event
Mass State Referee Committee
New England Over-the-Hill Soccer League
New England Soccer League
Old Colony Women's Soccer League
Vineyard Football Association
Other Affiliate (club/non-league)
Which Division?
Required for NEOTHSL. N/A for others.
Part 2: What facility are you using?
List specific site/field(s) your are requesting:
Ex. Alpine Field, Middle School, High School Turf
Who OWNS the facility that you are reserving?
Typically town/city, college or private school.
Address of OWNER (NOT usually the address of the site.)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Part 3: Where should we send the certificate?
First Name
Last Name
Should be Empty: