“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them
in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Matthew 28:19
It is with great joy that we welcome your child into the life of Christ and our Church through baptism! The Sacrament of Baptism is such a great gift, not only for the newly baptized, but also for their entire family and the parish community. In this sacrament, the Christian community promises to walk beside you in nurturing the faith of your child.
If you have not yet scheduled the baptism date for your child, please call the parish secretary at (518) 462-1336 to make those arrangements before signing up for a class.
If this is your first time bringing a child forward for Baptism, please fill out the form below and select the class you would like to attend. If you have already had a child Baptized and attended a Baptism preparation class in the past, there is no need to attend a new class, unless you would like to. Please call the office at 518-462-1336 if you can't attend any of the classes listed.
During the class, parents will learn about the Sacrament of Baptism, receive a summary of what will happen during the Baptism ceremony, tour the Church and have ample opportunity to ask questions. Godparents are welcome to join us.
Please provide the following information and choose a date/time to attend a Baptismal Prep Class. If you have any questions, please call the parish office at (518) 462-1336