Wags and Whiskers is a foster based rescue located in Mobile, AL. Our main goal is to save as many dogs from death row as possible. In order to do that, we depend on foster homes to provide a loving home environment for the animal until he or she goes to their forever home. Fostering a rescue animal is a wonderful and rewarding experience, but can also be time consuming and hard work. Please seriously consider all of the aspects of the foster care program before deciding to apply to foster.
Contact Information
By providing this information you are allowing WAGS AND WHISKERS RESCUE to contact your landlord. (Please inform them of this call so they will speak with us)
Other Pets
By providing this information you are allowing WAGS AND WHISKERS RESCUE to contact your vet. Please call and authorize them to release the information.
Please read through the following foster policies and initial to indicate you agree to comply.