Thank you for expressing an interest in the Geelong Regional squads that will participate in the 2018 Country Championships.
The 2018 Country Championships will be held in Shepparton over the Queens Birthday weekend. June 9th -10th - 11th Trials will commence in February 2018, Trials are free, but the expected costs for successful players will be approximately $300 - The GRFC is working hard to reduce this cost and sibling discounts and team sponsorship will reduce this cost - (for example in 2017 each player paid $185) By registering your interest we will send out more information regarding coaches and trials. Registration is now open for all age groups, including the new U17/U18 boys (age group to be confirmed) Note: ALL players will trial and play in their respective age groups. Registrations will close after the 3rd trial for each age group unless there are less than the phase 2 allocated numbers
Player Information:
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth dd/mm/yyyy
Squad Registering For
U12 Girls (2006 - 2007 Born)
U14 Girls (2004 - 05 Born)
U16 Boys (2002 Born)
U16 Girls (2002 - 03 Born)
Are you Registering as a Goalkeeper?
2017 Registered Club
FFV Number (if Known)
Street Address
Postal / Zip Code
Parent/Guardian Information
Parent/Guardian Name:
Parent/Guardian Email:
Parent/Guardian contact #
Alternative email
Emergency Contact name
Emergency Contact #
Does the participant have any allergies, present medication, special considerations, etc.:
If Yes, Please Explain:
Click to submit your trial registration
Should be Empty: