(Read carefully before signing or submitting electronically)
By my signature:
I understand that my $2,200 payment is non-refundable to hold my spot in Maggie’s Bliss Yoga & Wellness Online Yoga Teacher Training. I understand that, if using Paypal, I must add 2% to all payments ($2,244 total). I understand if I choose to pay four monthly installments of $550 each (the first being your required initial deposit to begin class) that I agree to pay each payment on time in full. I understand this payment plan is available after initial first payment deposit of $550. I understand my non-refundable deposit of $550 applies to your tuition; once received, I will be billed $550 each month thereafter for 3 more months beginning one month after your deposit payment. To hold your spot, the non-refundable deposit of $550 and the program contract are due before you can begin the program. I understand the remaining tuition will be charged in $550 increments due monthly till you reach the full tuition of $2,200. I undersatnd that I will lose access to future classes if I stop payments before my tuition is paid in full. Director of the program, Margaret Anderson, also referred to as Maggie Anderson, will use this money to update and provide me with videos, program manual, secure program vendors. I understand that there are additional fees for classes and workshops if choosing the ‘Online and In-person Combination Maggie’s Bliss Yoga Teacher Training Certification’ option. I understand that the required 40 yoga classes, books, Singing Bowl Session, Kirtan, Restorative / Yin / Svaroopa Yoga Classes, Specialty Workshops as noted in Syllabus and Meditation(s) are at an additional cost not included in the tuition fee for this yoga teacher training and that the final certificate requires participation in person in these programs if choosing the full 200-hr. yoga teacher training option. If Maggie Anderson cannot follow through with services for any reason on her end (ex. health related issues, family emergencies, need to cancel training, etc.) then my security deposit will be fully returned. If the program has begun and the full tuition has been submitted and there are any serious health/family emergency issues occurring for Margaret Anderson, I understand that a substitute teacher, approved by Margaret Anderson, will teach whatever segments of the training Maggie may need to miss due to this kind of emergency.
I understand that Maggie Anderson reserves the right to terminate me from the program for any reasons she feels are overly invasive to a group atmosphere or prove too clinical or dangerous for the training. I understand my money will not be returned if this happens. If Maggie Anderson feels that my behavior, inside or outside the training, is not in standing with her requirements to graduate I may not graduate. I understand that any make up work is my issue and I will need to pay and arrange to makeup hours of any in-person training hours missed. The makeup work must be approved by Maggie Anderson (or substitute teacher in the event of emergency). If Maggie Anderson has to cancel training for any reasons outside of weather or acts of God it is her responsibility to figure out an option for the makeup hours/work. I agree to hold aside the snow dates that are to be determined.
I have permission from my doctor to participate in this program. I am signing that there are no major clinical, physical, mental or emotional concerns with participating in this program at all. By signing my name below I understand that I am participating in meditation techniques, yogic breathing techniques, and performing various Yoga postures and physical assists. If at any point I feel overexertion or fatigue, I will respect my own body's limitations and I will rest. I will also notify Maggie Anderson (or substitute instructor) of any injuries or mental limitations that would prevent me from understanding instruction. My signature verifies that I am physically, mentally & emotionally fit to participate in Yoga Teacher Training & Yoga classes and a licensed medical doctor/therapist (if needed) has cleared my physical/mental and emotional condition for this type of training. If I am actively in a treatment program of any sort I will notify Maggie Anderson (or substitute teacher if needed) of any changes in my treatment or recommendations from my treatment team/program. I fully agree to notify Maggie Anderson or any featured/substitute teacher of any changes in my medical/mental condition that might affect my safety or participation in any part of the training. If I am pregnant, or become pregnant, or am post-natal, my signature verifies that I am participating in Yoga teacher training & Yoga classes with my doctor's full approval.
By signing my name below, I acknowledge that participation in Yoga teacher training & Yoga classes exposes me to a possible risk of personal injury, accident, death, loss, cost or damage to my person or property. I am fully aware of this risk and I voluntarily assume the risk inherent in my participation in the Yoga teacher training & Yoga classes taught by Maggie Anderson, or any substitute/guest program teacher, or any other teacher/presenter in the Yoga Teacher Training (or Yoga classes). I hereby release Maggie Anderson/ Maggie's Bliss Yoga & Wellness/The Woods Yoga, or any substitute teacher/guest or featured teacher or any other persons who may teach in the training from any and all liability, negligence, or other claims, arising from, or in any way connected, with my participation in the Yoga Teacher Training & Yoga classes.
My (electronic/digital) signature further acknowledges that I release and indemnify Maggie Anderson/Maggie’s Bliss Yoga & Wellness/The Woods Yoga (and any substitute teacher/guest teacher) from, and against, any and all such claims and liabilities, including attorneys' fees. I agree that any disagreement about this contract or any legal issues that arise before, for the duration and/or after the program will be dealt with through mediation and overseen by the judicial system in the State of Rhode Island. This waiver is binding on me, my heirs, my spouse, my children, my legal representatives, my successors and my assigns.