Volunteer Advisory Go Team
The Advisory Go Team is a volunteer-led team of adult volunteers who bring experience and perspective, and work collaboratively to advise on council proposals. The focus of the Advisory Go Team shall be to improve the adult volunteer experience by advising on council proposals. Topics could include but are not limited to volunteer learning and enrichment, troop and service unit volunteer support, and adult appreciation and recognition.
Go Team Member Duties
The Advisory Go Team role is to provide feedback and recommendations to council on staff proposed topics and will assist with one large scale project for the Council each year. The Advisory Go Team will meet as a whole group once per month virtually. Additional virtual meetings may be arranged based on the working group’s needs. The Advisory Go Team will also be able to provide proposals for council consideration. Monthly meeting schedule is determined by the group at the first meeting.
Go Team Member Qualifications
• Go Team members must be current registered approved volunteer and actively involved in Girl Scouting in the community.
• Go Team Members must have internet access to be able to meet virtually.
• Go Team Members must be able to commit approximately 2 hours per month - one hour to attend monthly virtual meetings and one hour to review proposals and compile recommendations.
• Go Team Members must be able to act as a representative of their greater Girl Scout community and/or service unit and provide recommendations that are in the best interest of all girls and volunteers.
Go Team Member Expectations
• Members will regularly attend virtual meetings.
• Members will actively provide feedback and engage in meetings.
• Members will provide recommendations that are in the best interest of all girls and volunteers.
• Members will act according to the Girl Scout Law at all times.
• Members will serve on the Go Team for a 2 year term.