Vital Documents Products
Take the pain out of gathering, organizing & sharing your Vital Documents. Learn to setup & use SafelyFiled for your critical information. Select the package that includes only what you need to get started. All packages include a guidebook and resource lists. Individuals and businesses also get one-year of SafelyFiled -FREE- plus training & coaching. It's never been easier to get your vital documents into a secure, online storage vault that is accessible from any Internet-ready device and provide private access to the VIPs in your life.
--- Vital Documents For Individuals* - includes 4 half-hour personal coaching sessions with our organizing experts who guide you through the process of identifying, scanning, and organizing your vital documents and information. Learn how to store, access and share with designated family members and other VIPs. Plus, get a free one-year subscription to Safelyfiled.com and our handy guidebook and resource list.
--- Vital Documents For DIY Kit - for the Do-It-Yourselfer who's motivated and able to tackle the task with a few instructions. Includes guidebook, worksheets and resources that take you thru the process of getting your information into Safely Filed and tips for maintaining. Also includes discount off first year of SafelyFiled.com subscription.
*On-site packages available in select areas. *Additional sessions available. Ask us about Vital Documents packages for Small Business, too!